Alhamdulillah, your donations aided towards the distribution of zakat envelope money to concerned beneficiaries. May Allah accept it.
Alhamdulillah, your donations aided towards the distribution of zakat envelope money to concerned beneficiaries. May Allah accept it.
Asalaam Alaikum, your donations aided towards the distribution of food packs to the fastin needies to enabke the facilitate their fasting. May Allah Accept your donations and rewards you abundantly.
Asalaam Alaikum, your DOnations helped towards the distribution of envelope money for iftar to the fasting widows. With your support, we hope to continue reaching out to many more vulnerable communiries May Allah accept your donations.
Asalaam Alaikum, Alhamdulillah your Ramadan iftar donations aided towards the distribution of hot meals for iftar to the fasting orphans. may Allah accept it.
Asalaam Alaikum , as Taufiq Charity Relief Centre we highly appreciate all dear brothers and sisters who provide iftar to the vulnurable fasting muslims. May Allah be pleased with you always and provide you with more and more so that you continue supporting.
Asalaam Alaikum, Alhamdulillah your qurban donation of one goat was performed and the meat distributed to the needies. May Allah accept youe sadaqah
Alhamdulillah your donations was delivered to the concerned beneficiaries. May Allah accept and rewartd you abundantly.
Asalaam Alaikum, she say she is a widow and disabled, she appreciates your help that may Allah bless you abundantly so that you continue supporting her because she nolomger works and much things are required for daily life as humaniterian neccessities is concerned. may Allah accept your donations and provide you with more and more […]
Assalamu alaikum, we ensure that the aid you send us reaches those in need. May God accept and reward all our donors so that they can continue their support. God accept it
Assalamu alaikum, alhamdulillah your support has been given to 8 widows. May God accept your donations and reward you abundantly so that you continue to help those in need.