Assalamu Alaikum, Alhamdulillah your donations helped distribute iftar money to the widows to make it easier for them to fast. May God accept it.
Assalamu Alaikum, Alhamdulillah your donations helped distribute iftar money to the widows to make it easier for them to fast. May God accept it.
Asalaam alaikum, your donations helped distribute food packages to 15 widows. May Allah accept and reward you always and with your help, we hope to continue to reach many more vulnerable communities InshaAllah
Assalamu alaikum, she is widowed and disabled but she fasts. She appreciated your help and prayed that God would give you more to continue your support.
Assalamu alaikum, Alhamdulillah brother Issa Nafada who is disabled and moves in a wheelchair appreciates your support and prays that Allah will bless you and give you more to continue supporting Islam. We will always keep you informed about who we are giving your help to. God accept it GFF
Asalaam Alaikum, Alhamdulillah for today your donations helped towards giving Iftar to the fastin orphans. May Allah accept your sadaqa and reward you abundantly.
WhatsApp Audio 2024-03-14 at 06.53.14Asalaam Alaikum, Alhamdulillah your Zakat donations was successfully delivered to 20 fasting muslim prisoners at maluku prison, mbale city in eastern uganda but due to small help, we only gave 20 people out of the 209 fasting muslims in thet prison . and we promise to be giving them support whenever […]
Asalaam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters, As we are almost approachint the holly month of RAMADAN a blessed month for reaping big for anny rightious deed done. Our country being a non Islamic state, Ramadan is mainly facilitated by the community or Donors. By research, very many communities still lack support during fasting period in […]
As Taufiq Charity Relief Centre, Our mission is to empower and safeguard the vulnerable and unemployed people in communities. SO as we continue reaching out to many more vulnerable communities, Youths from Magada sub-county in Namutumba District in Eastern Uganda invited us. Upon the invitation, many issues related to development and humaniterian necessities were discussed […]
Asalaam alaikum, Allow us introduce to you some of our activities and we do request for your support inshallah..