Alhamdulillah your kurban donation of one sheep and one goat was performed and the meat disributed to 18 widows and 16 orphans. May Allah accept your sadaqa
Alhamdulillah your kurban donation of one sheep and one goat was performed and the meat disributed to 18 widows and 16 orphans. May Allah accept your sadaqa
Asalaam alaikum, Alhamdulillah for today your donation helped towards the purchase of sandals and was distributed to 16 orphans. may Allah accept your donations.
taufiq charity relief centre distributed qurban meat to the vulnerable communities all this was contributions from our dear brothers and sister across the world many of them were orphans, widowa, disabled and other vulnerable brothers and sisters as an organisation, we thank all our dear brothers and sisters who stood with us and donated we […]